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candy fan
candy fan 的照片
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yuengooluk 的照片
Member: 124
Joined: 2008-11-05
candy fan 你的分享真是非常"到肉".

candy fan

你的分享真是非常"到肉". 希望你不介意我這麼說, 你可謂不幸地同時集合了一般媽媽遇到的問題, 可憐你折騰了這麼久啊. 我真的很佩服你的決心和堅持!

我會把你的文章轉遞給我快將臨盆的朋友, 讓她知道即使有這麼多的困難也可以成功餵人奶. 我幾時都話, 成功與否其實只在乎有無決心, 其他一切一切所謂"我餵唔到的原因"都只不過是自欺欺人的藉口.

sle_cheng 的照片
Member: 851
Joined: 2010-02-03
Dear Nikitac, I've got lots

Dear Nikitac,

I've got lots of problems in breastfeeding...

Actually BB is now almost 3 months, but she still sleeps a lot, especially once I start feeding.

If I have got enough milk for my BB, I wouldn't be so worried. It's just that no matter how I let her suck, it seems to me that the milk is not enough for her (because she has got very few diapers (about 3 not very wet diapers) and she always sucks her fingers and seems hungry)

Starting on 1/4, I've tried to carry BB all the time and feed whenever she wants. However, when I notice there are not enough wet diapers, (say 3 times a day), I got so nervous that I want to quit and change back to formula instead!

I offer the breast to my BB whenever she wants, but she sleeps easily. Then when she cries again, I would offer agin. However, it makes me so tired! Also, I worry that if she just sleeps, I need to pump; otherwise there is not much stimulation to the breast. It's like I'm pumping/nursing round the clock.

I notice that other mothers can breastfeed comparatively easily because they have got enough milk supply and so they can follow the clock and the baby drinks much better.

I really want to change to a pumping mother instead. At least I can figure out how much BB is drinking and that I don't have to worry about BB's positioning, sucking problems, etc. Also, I can just follow the clock. It's all because I cannot grasp the technique of breastfeeding. Otherwise, BB wouldn't have so few wet diapers, and that worries me a lot!!!

I've tried all the methods said to keep BB awake. Breast compression, putting her down, wearing less clothes, etc... I have also got a sling at home.

One more thing, I notice that when I keep pumping (I pump 2-3 times at work), the amount seems to be better. However, when I nurse at home, I can pump very less (even when BB is sleeping for a long time).

What should I do???

sle_cheng 的照片
Member: 851
Joined: 2010-02-03
Dear Nikitac, Thanks so much

Dear Nikitac,

Thanks so much for your quick reply.

Even though my BB is going to turn to 3 months soon, I guess I still cannot grasp the technique of feeding my baby. I feel really upset and think that I'm really stupid.

I have tried my very best to feed the baby. However, in the first month, I kept on asking the nurses to the point that I felt embarrassed. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Since the weight gain was slow, the medical staff asked me to give BB formula 2-3 meals a day, on top of breastfeeding. Because of the formula milk, the weight gain was very good, of course, from 4.4kg (1st month) to 5.37kg (2nd month). Then I tried to gradually decrease the formula milk. When I go to work, I feed her a total of supplement of 280ml (usually half formula and half pumped milk, but if I have more pumped milk, then I will give her more pumped and less formula). However, once I start this schedule on Mar 11, BB's diapers were getting less and less, from 5-6 not very wet diapers till 3-4 not very wet diapers a day. Today is the 3rd day of my holidays, but in these 3 days, like last night, I fed her at 3 and 6am while we were sleeping together. However, when I checked the diaper this morning, it was not wet at all (the indicator was still yellow and didn't change to blue)!!! I was really scared.

What I do now is to feed BB once every 2-3 hours, and after each meal, I try to pump and feed her back no matter how much I get. However, it's really tiring.

Actually, before the holidays, when I keep pumping at work, say 2-3 times, the amount was getting better and better. However, when it comes to holiday when I can stay with BB, I notice that her no. of wet diapers is getting worse. I don't know what to do... Is it because my positioning is still wrong? Should I focus on pumping instead???

Luckily, since Mar. 11, BB starts to cry less (I tried to use spoon feeding since then) but she looks very tired all the time. I'm really worried and sometimes just wonder whether I should give up and change back to formula...

I tried to check the weight gain yesterday. However, the scale seems to be a bit incorrect. If I am not wrong, BB's current weight gain after 3 weeks is not good enough, from 5.37 kg to 5.7 kg only.

What should I do? Please advise.

nikitac 的照片
Member: 4
Joined: 2008-03-13
Hi sle_cheng, BB

Hi sle_cheng,

BB 滿月後不會用濕片來計有無食夠奶,因為滿月後大小便會較少,只看增重紀錄。

假期多休息多餵奶,對提升奶量很有幫助,加油! 眨眼


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers


sle_cheng 的照片
Member: 851
Joined: 2010-02-03
Thanks, Nikitac. Actually my

Thanks, Nikitac.

Actually my BB is almost 3 months now. But still, I'm worried about her number of diapers.

I'm still a bit upset because I think BB's position of drinking is still wrong. Otherwise, why is she always crying for milk??

The coming days are holidays. I hope I will be able to make it.

Thanks again.

nikitac 的照片
Member: 4
Joined: 2008-03-13
Hi sle_cheng, candy fan 的BB

Hi sle_cheng,

candy fan 的BB 已有滿月,所以不用以濕片來看BB 有無食夠奶,看增重紀錄已ok。

你的情況,如果BB 未滿月,首先要留意一下BB 的食奶姿勢正唔正確:



如我之前說,初生BB 很爛瞓,會在食奶途中睡著覺,要令BB 清醒及正經食奶,食奶時BB 只穿內衣和尿片,有媽咪抱實唔會冷親,如果BB 著衫太多,有大人抱又有得吮,BB 會好易入睡。

如果BB 食奶食到一半睡著覺,要叫醒BB,方法:幫BB 洗洗面、換尿片、"R" 手掌或腳板、搓面豬"dum"、打圓圈搓背脊。

你的情況,BB 不是因為你奶少而不耐煩,而是有乳頭混淆故抗拒埋身,之前食過奶樽吧?因為奶樽的設計是自動將奶滴出來,故此食過奶樽的BB 會較懶,不過只要你堅持,BB會適應過來的。

首先不要等到BB 好肚餓才餵奶,BB 有點餓餓地的時間餵,否則BB 會好快無耐性;其次你可以赤裸上身,等BB 的手手腳腳及身體可以貼住你的皮膚,盡量多給肌膚接觸,能有效穩定BB 情緒;第三是餵之前擠些少奶出來吸引BB。

BB 現在的feeding pattern 係點?可以不補奶粉,因為比較起來,母乳更易吸收和消化,你可以在餵完奶後泵五至十分鐘,泵出來的奶,不要用奶樽,用已消毒的奶瓶蓋慢慢餵倒入口中,或用餵藥的針筒從嘴角注入,BB天生喜歡吸吮的動作,只要沒有奶樽給他吮,他會更喜歡吸吮乳房。杯仔示範片段:

希望幫到你。 心

sle_cheng 的照片
Member: 851
Joined: 2010-02-03
Thanks for your reply, Candy

Thanks for your reply, Candy and Nikitac!!

My baby really likes to sleep and she always sleeps very easily once she starts drinking, even if I do the breast compression. However, sometimes she would be so annoyed that I don't have enough milk for her. She would tear my breast. In that case, I would calm her down and she soon fell asleep again. But then I'm afraid she would be annoyed again if she wakes up and find that I don't have enough milk for her.

What if my BB only has 4 average wet diapers (not really wet)? I have already fed her very very frequently, but my milk just doesn't come out easily. (Two Chinese doctors both found that I don't have enough blood or poor blood circulation.)

Since she has been having only 3-4 wet diapers these days after I have tried to breastfeed her (I am cutting down the formula milk from 3 meals a day to 1 meal a day over the past few weeks), should I supplement her with more formula milk then?

Please advise.

candy fan
candy fan 的照片
Member: 899
Joined: 2010-02-27
sle_cheng, 你好,細B由開始到宜家每天都有6條濕



nikitac 的照片
Member: 4
Joined: 2008-03-13
Hi sle_cheng, 你要留意BB

Hi sle_cheng,

你要留意BB 會不會是掛住訓覺而唔食奶,令濕片唔夠,又或是BB 的吸吮姿勢唔正確,令BB 吮到唔足夠的奶。因為初生BB 很愛睡,會睡上三至四小時也不起身,也會在食奶中途睡著覺,所以要BB 起身食奶。BB 的吸吮姿勢唔正確的話,可以預約屋企附近的健康院,請姑娘指導,佢地會好樂意幫你。

濕片數量能反映BB 有無食到足夠的奶,而增重紀錄能反映BB 有沒有食到足夠的後奶,所以兩者都需要留意。

希望幫到你。 心

sle_cheng 的照片
Member: 851
Joined: 2010-02-03
Dear Candy, I have got a

Dear Candy,

I have got a similar problem. I am very surprised to see that your BB can go back to the breast even though you fed your BB 5 to 6 oz. I'm sure there were times when your BB was very annoyed with the slow flow of your milk. But thanks to your persistance, you're doing a wonderful job to your BB.

I'm doing a similar job right now, but she's having not many wet diapers. I think an average of about 4 diapers a day. How about you? I'm quite worried about that. Should we focus on the weight gain instead of the wet diapers?

Thanks a lot to your sharing. It really helps!!!

BTW, which pump are you using? I use a manual one and it seems to help.

leelpe 的照片
Member: 959
Joined: 2010-03-19


nikitac 的照片
Member: 4
Joined: 2008-03-13

做得好!加油! 有型


candy fan
candy fan 的照片
Member: 899
Joined: 2010-02-27


miu 的照片
Member: 8
Joined: 2008-06-11
很好的分享, 完全是大多數媽媽遇到的問題,

很好的分享, 完全是大多數媽媽遇到的問題, 但就因妳有堅持及信心, 便能成功. 請問可否將你的發表刊登在本會日後的newsletter, 或我們邀請妳到講座分享? 我們要互相扶持, 讓更多bb有媽媽奶食. 微笑


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